McMaster Department of Athletics & Recreation Camps: March Break & Summer
Preparing for Camps - Everything To Know
Online registration will open late January/early February for March Mania, Sport Fitness School, 1:1 Support @ SFS, Leadership Programs, and most of our Varsity Sport Camps & Clinics. Summer camps will be running from July 2nd - August 23rd.
Dear Camp Friends and Families,
Thank you for participating in the Department of Athletics & Recreation Summer Camps Program. We are looking forward to another fun-filled and exciting summer! We are very proud of our experienced and enthusiastic staff, which consists of McMaster University coaches, students, athletes and graduates. Some of our programmes have been running for 30 plus years, providing youth of all ages opportunities to get involved in sport, recreation, learning and most importantly...FUN!
The sections below and each Camp's page contain important information that you need regarding required equipment, daily schedules, busing procedures, extended care service and many other items. Pre-Camp information is emailed out to the primary email address on your camps account one-week prior to your camp session. Additionally we send camp wrap-up emails the Monday following.
If you have any other questions that haven't been answered here, please contact me at: 905-525-9140 ext. 26639
We look forward to sharing this summer with you and are committed to providing the best camp experience possible.
See you soon!
Lauren Bahrami
Camps Coordinator

Camp Locations & Contacts
McMaster University 905-525-9140

General Camp Checklist
Please visit your camp's page for specific checklist items

General Information
Absences, Arriving Late, Leaving Early, Clothing At Camp, Lost & Found, Car: Drop-Off/Pick-Up, Self-Sign Out, Dismissal Policy

Health & Safety At Camp
What do I need to KNOW? What do I need to DO?

Preparing for Camp Video
Check out our helpful video on Preparing for Camp 2024!

Health & Safety Coordinator