McMaster Department of Athletics & Recreation Camps: March Break & Summer

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Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to frequently asked camp questions below. We know you're trusting us with very precious cargo, and we're committed to making sure your camper is safe and well-prepared for a great camp experience. There's no question too big or small!

Have a question we haven't answered?

We're here to help! Call us at 905-525-9140 x24464 or email


Where can I find camp contact information?

All of our camp contacts are available on our Contact Information page.

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Is there a 'Preparing for Camp' guide available?

Yes, look for the 'Preparing for Camp' tab on each camp's webpage. You can also find helpful information in this FAQ, as well as our camp map. Here's some other helpful links to your online account logintax receipt info and our camp lost and found.

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What are the camp hours of operation?

Our camps generally operate from 8:30am to 4:15pm, but please check the 'Preparing for Camp' tab on each camp's webpage for a daily schedule. .

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What if my child needs to leave early, arrive late or will be absent from camp?

Please call the camp office or send a note with your child prior to the day of absence. For your child’s safety, we will call home for any unannounced late or absent campers. Late campers should report to the SFS Camp Office (DBAC WB111) prior to rejoining the camp.

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I'm late for pick-up: Where is my camper? Is there extended care?

We offer extended care from 7:30am-8:30am & 4:30pm-5:30pm.
In the event that you are arriving after 4:30pm, your camper will be brought to the Extended Care Gym - East Auxiliary Gymnasium in the Ivor Wynne Centre.
If you need assistance, please call the SFS Camps Office at 905-525-9140 x27071.

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What is the ratio of campers to counsellors? 

Our ratio averages 8:1.  
In higher-risk activities like rock climbing, specially trained, certified staff and greater supervision are in place to ensure camper safety.

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What is McMaster's approach to building inclusive camps for all gender-identities and expressions?

For the most part, campers of all genders take part in an integrated community at our camps, without need to identify one's gender. That said, we do use gender-segregated changerooms/washrooms. We understand that this falsely perpetuates the idea of gender as a binary and present other barriers to our building an inclusive camp community. We acknowledge this shortcoming and train our staff to understand gender as a spectrum and to both demonstrate and teach acceptance, respect and support for all campers to participate as they identify, in the programs or changerooms that they feel best fits their gender-identity.

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Is wearing the camp t-shirt mandatory? 

Yes! It's an important safety tool, helping us and our campers identify where and with whom they belong while at McMaster.

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I am on the waitlist for a sport. How do I know if a spot opens up?

Our sport waitlists are checked and updated frequently. If a spot becomes available for your camper you will be contacted.

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Is swimming at SFS mandatory? What does the swim test consist of? 

The recreational swim is optional, but highly recommended as a chance to cool off and relax. You will be prompted to select "Swim or Non-Swim" during camp registration. Non-swimmers are supervised during a quiet play time (board games, cards, reading, etc.) and are encouraged to bring a favourite book – but no electronics!
Read about what the Swim Test consists of.  

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What are the different colour bracelets for?

We use bracelets to identify campers who may need special support at camp. If you need to remove a bracelet at home, please ask our Camp Leaders for a new one.

  • Red: First Aid bracelets to notify us of allergies, medical conditions, etc.
  • Yellow: Campers who require a lifejacket will wear yellow bracelets
  • Green: Campers who met the swim test requirements and do not require a lifejacket while in the pool.

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Can my child bring electronics to camp?

In short: No! One of the goals of camp is to provide campers with unique experiences at McMaster. Electronic devices - games, phones, music players, etc. - while great for individual entertainment, do not readily encourage socialization at camp and often present challenges, especially when they go missing. We ask that all electronics be left at home for the duration of camp, and promise to provide an awesome experience to keep campers engaged throughout their session!

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Is there a lost and found?

Yes - learn more on our Lost & Found page. Each camp will operate their own lost and found with regular reminders for campers to claim lost items, as well as a central post-session collection. It's always easiest to reclaim your things if they're labeled, and Hamilton's Mabel's Labels offers a unique way to make that happen, and support kids in our community.

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Can my camper walk or ride their bike home? 

If your child is planning on walking or riding their bike home (or to another location on campus), for safety reasons we request that you indicate such during registration. You can make changes to dismissal permissions in your online account

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