McMaster Community Sports Leagues

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MCSL League Policies

The MCSL takes player safety, conduct and sporting behaviour very seriously. We are a fun, inclusive and participant focused league and we hope that all teams and players strive to keep the league as friendly as social as we do! 

Please click on the following section links to each part of the MCSL League Polcies:

A downloadable copy of the full MCSL League Polcies is available here  or by clicking the picture link to the right of the page. 


Click the picture for a full copy of the MCSL League Policies.

Zero Tolerance Guidelines on Conduct & Conflict

  • All MCSL Conveners will ask any person in violation of these guidelines to leave the facility immediately when committing any of the following acts:
    • Swearing directly or verbally abusing another participant or staff.

    • Intentially pushing, shoving or making physical contact with another participant of staff.

    • Making comments to instigate or incite an altercation with other participants, spectators or staff.

  • Any participant or team engaging in any of these acts will face a suspension upon investigation at the discretion of the MCSL League Office.