Programs & Services: Intramural Sports
Intramural Basketball
Sport leagues and tournaments for the entire McMaster community, beginner to advanced, individual or team: We want to play with you!
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Activities include: Basketball
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3-on-3 Basketball Rules
All National Federation Basketball rules apply, with the following amendments and/or additions:
1. Each team must field 3 players to compete; there is no limit to the number of substitutions/bench players.
1. Playing Area: Half-court of a regulation basketball court.
2. Game Length: 12-minute games followed by 3 minutes for free throws. The main score clock will be used for timing; games start and end by that clock alone, regardless of when your court actually begins playing.
3. Possession at the start of the game will be decided by coin toss.
4. Regular basketball scoring will apply: 3 points beyond the 3-point line, 2 within.
1. Stoppage of Play:
a) Following each basket, the ball will be checked at the top of the 3 point line with the team just scored upon in possession.
b) The ball must also be checked following out of bounds violations, fouls, etc.
c) One-Pass Rule: The offence must make at least one pass after a ball is checked before attempting to score; if a team violates this rule and scores, the basket will not count, and the defensive team will be awarded possession.
2. Clearing the Ball: All balls, regardless of whether they hit the rim or not, must be cleared before offensive-defensive roles switch; clearance constitutes taking the ball beyond the 3-point line above the foul line extended. (There will be no 'garbage' baskets following air balls, etc.)
3. No 'Jump Balls' - defense is awarded possession.
4. Substitutions: Substitutes may enter at any stoppage of play before the ball is checked.
5. Fouls & Free-Throws:
a) Participants shall call their own fouls with the offence's opinion taking precedence. The fouled team is awarded possession.
b) Free throws are cumulative and upon completion of the game, will be shot by one player designated by each team. Each free throw is worth 1 point.
c) Shooting Fouls: the fouled team will be awarded 1 free throw and possession of the ball. If a shooting foul occurs on a made field goal, the basket will count in addition to the 1 free throw and possession of the ball.
d) If a team accumulates 10 team fouls or more, each foul will award the opposite team 1 free throw and possession of the ball (offensive fouls do not count as team fouls).
6. Scorekeepers will act as impartial observers to the nature of the activity and will convey information to the GDS if there is any questionable sportsmanship.
7. Any disputes that cannot be resolved by the teams involved will result in losses for both teams and possible further disciplinary action.
8. Both captains must confirm scores and sign the game sheet following each game!
Terms of Reference:
Shooting Fouls - a foul committed while a player is in the act of shooting
Non-shooting Foul - a foul committed when a player has not attempted to shoot the ball.
4-on-4 Basketball Rules
All National Federation Basketball rules apply, with the following amendments and/or additions:
1. Each team must field 4 players to compete, with a minimum of 2 females; there is no limit to the number of substitutions/bench players.
1. Playing Area: Half-court of a regulation basketball court.
2. Game Length: 12-minute games followed by 3 minutes for free throws. The main score clock will be used for timing; games start and end by that clock alone, regardless of when your court actually begins playing.
3. Possession at start of game will be decided by coin toss.
4. Regular basketball scoring will apply: 3 points beyond the 3-point line, 2 within, with the following exception:
For Women: Each basket will be regular scoring "plus one" (i.e., 4 points for a shot beyond the 3-point line, and 3 points for a shot within.) ** ONLY IN PLAYFUN**
1. Stoppage of Play:
a) Following each basket, the ball will be checked at the top of the 3 point line with the team just scored upon in possession.
b) The ball must also be checked following out of bounds violations, fouls, etc.
c) One-Pass Rule: The offence must make at least one pass after a ball is checked before attempting to score; if a team violates this rule and scores, the basket will not count, and the defensive team will be awarded possession.
2. Clearing the Ball: All balls, regardless of whether they hit the rim or not, must be cleared before offensive-defensive roles switch; clearance constitutes taking the ball beyond the foul line extended. (There will be no 'garbage' baskets following air balls, etc.)
3. No 'Jump Balls' - defense is awarded possession.
4. Substitutions: Substitutes may enter at any stoppage of play before the ball is checked.
5. Fouls & Free-Throws:
a) Participants shall call their own fouls with the offence's opinion taking precedence. The fouled team is awarded possession.
b) Free throws are cumulative and upon completion of the game, will be shot by one player designated by each team. Each free throw is worth 1 point.
c) Shooting Fouls: the fouled team will be awarded 1 free throw and possession of the ball. If a shooting foul occurs on a made field goal, the basket will count in addition to the 1 free throw and possession of the ball.
d) If a team accumulates 10 team fouls or more, each foul will award the opposite team 1 free throw and possession of the ball (offensive fouls do not count as team fouls).
6. Scorekeepers will act as impartial observers to the nature of the activity and will convey information to the GDS if there is any questionable sportsmanship.
7. Any disputes that cannot be resolved by the teams involved will result in losses for both teams and possible further disciplinary action.
8. Both captains must confirm scores and sign the game sheet following each game!
Terms of Reference:
Shooting Fouls - a foul committed while a player is in the act of shooting
Non-shooting Foul - a foul committed when a player has not attempted to shoot the ball.
5-on-5 Corec Basketball Rules
All National Federation Basketball rules apply, with the following amendments and/or additions:
1. Each team must field 5 players to compete, with a minimum of 2 females; there is no limit to the number of substitutions/bench players.
a) Teams short players may ask the opposition to allow the game to proceed.
1. Game Length: games shall be 2 x 20 minute running time halves.
a) The last two minutes of play will be stop-time if a 5 points-or-less differential exists.
2. Half-Time Break: 3 minutes in duration.
3. Playoff Tie-Breaker: Playoff games tied at the end of regulation time will play additional 5-minute overtime periods until a winner is established - there will be no breaks in play between overtime periods
4. Regular basketball scoring will apply: 3 points beyond the 3-point line, 2 within, with the following exception:
For Women: Each basket will be regular scoring "plus one" (i.e., 4 points for a shot beyond the 3-point line, and 3 points for a shot within.) ** ONLY IN PLAYFUN**
1. Fouls: Team fouls are non-cumulative between halves; personal fouls will not be counted.
a) Bonus (one-and-one) will be granted upon the 7th team foul
b) Double bonus (two shots) granted upon the 10th team foul.
2. Technical Fouls: Unsporting behaviour directed at any participants or staff will be assessed a Technical Foul. Two technical fouls results in ejection from the game.
a) Misconduct: As per the Code of Conduct, any individual or team who fights and/or directs abuse (verbal or physical) towards officials, intramural employees, university staff, and/or fellow participants during an intramural contest or, in related pre and post game activities is immediately banned indefinitely from all intramural competition.
3. Time-Outs: Each team is allowed one twenty second time out (game clock stopped) per half. Time-outs are non-cumulative across halves.
4. Injuries: When an injury occurs to a player the referee uses his/her discretion in stopping the play. However, if the injury is obviously of a serious nature, the referee has been instructed to blow the play dead immediately. The injured player is not to resume play under any circumstances until proper medical attention has been received.
5-on-5 Open,Women's & Men's Basketball Rules
All National Federation Basketball rules apply, with the following amendments and/or additions:
1. Each team must field 5 players to compete; there is no limit to the number of substitutions/bench players.
a) Teams short players may ask the opposition to allow the game to proceed.
1. Game Length: Games shall be 2 x 20 minute running time halves.
a) The last two minutes of play will be stop-time if a 5 points-or-less differential exists.
2. Half Time Break: 3 minutes in duration.
3. Playoff Tie-Breaker: Playoff games tied at the end of regulation time will play additional 5-minute overtime periods until a winner is established - there will be no breaks in play between overtime periods
1. Fouls: Team fouls are non-cumulative between halves; personal fouls will not be counted.
a) Bonus (one-and-one) will be granted upon the 7th team foul
b) Double bonus (two shots) granted upon the 10th team foul.
2. Technical Fouls: Unsporting behaviour directed at any participants or staff will be assessed a Technical Foul. Two technical fouls results in ejection from the game.
a) Misconduct: As per the Code of Conduct, any individual or team who fights and/or directs abuse (verbal or physical) towards officials, intramural employees, university staff, and/or fellow participants during an intramural contest or, in related pre and post game activities is immediately banned indefinitely from all intramural competition.
3. Time-Outs: Each team is allowed one twenty second time out (game clock stopped) per half. Time-outs are non-cumulative across halves.
4. Injuries: When an injury occurs to a player the referee uses his/her discretion in stopping the play. However, if the injury is obviously of a serious nature, the referee has been instructed to blow the play dead immediately. The injured player is not to resume play under any circumstances until proper medical attention has been received.