Programs & Services: Intramural Sports
Intramural Ultimate Frisbee
Sport leagues and tournaments for the entire McMaster community, beginner to advanced, individual or team: We want to play with you!
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Activities include: Ultimate Frisbee
Fall & Winter Leagues
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- Accessible
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Outdoor Rules
1. OPEN - No gender ratio requirements for the amount of players on field during gameplay. Maximum 6 players; Minimum 4 players.
2. COREC - Maximum of 6 players (3 women, 6 men).
a. Women may substitute for men in the lineup without penalty.
3. WOMEN'S - Womens league, Maximum 6 players; Minimum 4 players.
1. Game Duration: First team to score 15 points (a goal is worth 1 point) with a time cap of 40 minutes, continuous time.
a. A 5-minute half time will take place when one team reaches 8 points.
2. Field of Play: The field of play is a rectangular area with two end-zones (approx. 15 yds. each in length) separated by a midfield (approx. 50 yds. in length).
a. An additional restraining area is established 5 metres away from the entire field to ensure that the sidelines remain clear during play.
3. Equipment: A 175-gram Disccraft disc shall be used.
4. Player Equipment: Individual players may wear any soft protective clothing as long as it does not endanger the safety of any other player.
a. Metal cleats are not allowed.
5. Time Outs: Each team is permitted 1 time-out per half, lasting up to 2 minutes.
a. A time-out may be called by either team after a point and before the ensuing accepted throw- off.
b. During play only the person with possession of the disc may call a time-out.
6. Playoffs - Tie-Breaking:
a. The end of regulation time will be announced, and teams will play out the final point.
b. If the final point results in a tied score, teams will continue to play in sudden-death fashion.
c. The team that scores first during sudden-death wins.
1. Object of the Game: Score goals by catching a disc in the end-zone. The disc may be moved only by throwing, as the thrower is not allowed to take any steps. Any time a pass is incomplete, intercepted, knocked down or contacts an out of bounds area a turn over occurs, resulting in immediate change of possession of the disc.
2. Scoring: A goal is scored when a player successfully passes the disc to a teammate in the end zone, which the team in attacking.
3. Self-Refereed/Spirit of Play: Ultimate has traditionally relied upon the spirit of sportpersonship, which places the responsibility for fair play on the player. Highly competitive play is encouraged, but never at the expense of the bond of mutual respect between players, adherence to the agreed upon rules of the game, or the basic joy of play. Protection of these vital elements serves to eliminate adverse conduct from the Ultimate field. Such actions as taunting of opposing players, dangerous aggression, intentional fouling, or other 'win-at-all-costs' behaviour are contrary to the spirit of the game and must be avoided by all players.
Clarifying Statements
1. Disc in Play: To 'put the disc into play' means that the thrower establishes a pivot foot and is ready to throw.
2. There are no scrimmage lines or off-sides (except on hucks) in Ultimate.
3. The disc may be passed in any direction.
4. The rolling or sliding disc may be stopped by any player, but it may not be purposefully advanced in any direction. Possession is gained where the disc stops.
5. No defensive player may pick up the disc.
1. Substitutions can be made only:
a) After a goal and before the ensuing accepted throw off;
b) Before the beginning of a period of play, (ie, half);
c) To replace an injured player(s).
2. Substitutions cannot be made during a time-out.
Starting and Resuming Play
1. Before a game starts, each team designates of captain to represent that team in disagreements and arbitration.
2. The captains will flip a disc calling which way it will land, "up" or "down." The team winning the flip has the choice of:
a. Receiving the initial throw-off; or
b. Selecting which goal they initially wish to defend.
3. The team losing the flip has the remaining choice.
4. The 2nd half begins with an automatic reversal of the 1st choice of options.
5. The Huck:
a. Play starts at the beginning of each half and after each point with a throw-off or huck. Each time a goal is scored, the teams switch the direction of their attack and the team that scored will huck the disc, similar to a kick-off in football.
i. A player on each team must raise a hand to signal their teams readiness to play BEFORE the huck is made.
b. Hucking Team: The huck will come from the team's endzone. The players on the hucking team must remain behind the disc until it is released.
i. Players may not touch the disc in the air until the receiving team has made contact with the disc.
c. Receiving Team: The receiving team must line up along their end-zone until the disc is released.
i. If a member of the receiving team catches the throw-off on the playing field proper (i.e. not in the end zone or out of bounds), that player must put the disc into play from that spot.
ii. If a member of the receiving team touches the disc during flight of the throw-off (whether in or out of bounds) and the receiving team fails to catch it, the team that threw off gains possession of the disc from that spot.
iii. If the throw-off falls untouched to the ground the receiving team takes possession of the disc from where it stops.
iv. If the throw-off lands or goes out of the playing field proper the receiving team takes possession where the disc went out of bounds or if 'Middle' was called before the disc hit the ground the receiving team may take possession at the middle of the width of the field, at the location of where the disc went out of bounds.
1. A team taking possession of the disc in the end zone it is defending may play the disc from that location or carry the disc to the nearest point of the goal line and put the disc into play from that position.
2. A team taking possession of the disc in the end zone that is attacking does not have a choice. It must carry the disc back to the nearest point on the goal line and put the disc into play from that spot.
1. An incomplete, intercepted, knocked-down, or arm out of bounds pass results in a loss of possession.
2. The following also result in a loss of possession:
a. If the marker's stall count reaches 10
b. The disc is handed from player to player
c. The thrower catches his/her own pass
The Thrower
1. The thrower must establish a pivot foot and may not change that pivot foot until the throw is released.
2. The thrower has the right to pivot in any direction. However, once the marker has established a legal defensive position, the thrower may not pivot into him/her.
The Marker
1. Only one defensive player may guard the thrower at any one time, that player is the marker.
2. The marker may not straddle the pivot foot of the thrower.
3. Disc-Space: The marker must remain at least 1-disc diameter away from the thrower - a distance known and requested as "disc space."
4. The marker has the right to start the 'stall' count. The marker must count out loud enough that the thrower can hear the stall count. If the marker counts to 10 before the thrower has released the disc, a turnover occurs.
The Receiver
1. Any offensive player other than the thrower.
2. After catching a pass, the receiver is only allowed the fewest number of steps required to come to a stop and establish a pivot foot.
3. If the disc is caught simultaneously by offensive and defensive players, the offense retains possession.
4. A disc in contact with the ground before being caught/brought under control by the recveiver is an incomplete pass.
1. Fouls are the result of physical contact between opposing players. A foul can only be called by the player who has been fouled and must be announced by calling out the word 'FOUL' loudly immediately after the foul has occurred.
2. Throwing fouls:
a. A foul may be called if there is contact between the thrower and the marker.
b. When a foul is committed by a thrower or the marker, play stops and possession reverts back to the thrower and a new 'stall' count begins.
c. If the thrower is fouled in the act of throwing but the pass is completed play continues.
3. Catching fouls:
a. When there is contact between opposing players in the process of attempting a catch, interception or knock-down.
b. If a player contacts an opponent before the disc arrives thereby interfering with the opponent's attempt at the disc.
c. If a catching foul occurs and is uncontested, the player fouled gains possession at the point of the infraction. If the call is undisputed, the disc goes back to the thrower.
1. A violation of a rule that does not result in physical contact.
2. A violation may be called by any player on the field.
3. Travelling: the thrower's pivot foot moved from one single spot: the catcher took far too many steps after catching the disc.
4. Picks: no player may establish a position, or move in such a manner, so as to obstruct any movement of any opposing player.
5. Fast counts: the marker is counting too fast.
6. Play stops when a violation occurs and a new stall count starts.
Indoor Rules
Our standard outdoor Ultimate rules apply, with the following modifications for indoor play (credit for many of the adjustments to Ultimate Frisbee HQ):
1. Maximum 5 players on the court; minimum 4 players. No gender ratio requirements for the amount of players on field during gameplay in the Open League.
1. Game Duration: 2 x 18 minute halves (continuous time) with a 4 minute half-time. Half-time will commence on the first point scored after 18 minutes of play.
2. Field of Play: The field of play is the rectangular area marked by basketball lines of Courts 1 & 3 of the Burridge Gym. End zones are 2-3 yards in width, marked by cones at front and back.
a. Catches made outside of the court (side or baselines) are out of play. For safety reasons, players are not to chase discs outside the playing surface, and may be removed from play if repeatedly attempting to play discs out of play (and dangerously close to walls!).
3. Equipment: A 175-gram Disccraft disc shall be used.
4. Player Equipment: Individual players may wear any soft protective clothing as long as it does not endanger the safety of any other player.
5. Playoffs - Tie-Breaking:
a. The end of regulation time will be announced, and teams will play out the final point.
b. If the final point results in a tied score, teams will continue to play in sudden-death fashion.
c. The team that scores first during sudden-death wins.
1. The Pull or Huck: There isn’t one in indoors! To begin the game the team starting with the disc will line-up on their end zone line. The opposing team will line up 5 feet from them. The team will be holding the disc in which they will tap it to the ground to start the game and begin attacking towards the opposite end zone. There is also no Pull when a point is scored (see below).
2. Scoring & Change of Possession: There are no pauses like when a point is scored in outdoor! Instead, when a point is scored by an offensive player by gaining clear possession/control of the disc in the end zone, they are to tap/touch the disc to the ground, announcing “Point!”, after which they will set the disc down where they scored. The defensive team then picks up the disc, taps/touches it to the ground where the point was scored/they picked up the disc (no moving to the front of the end zone, etc.), and announces "Disc in!" before becoming the offensive team. They then immediately begin trying to score in the opposite direction.
3. Stall Counts: Stall count for indoors 7 seconds. To clarify, a stall-out occurs when the staller says the “S” in seven in “stall Seven.” If a stall-out occurs it is still a turnover and the game resumes.
4. Substitutions – On the Fly: Instead of waiting until the end of the point a player can now run off the court at any time, provided:
a) They leave play out the sideline, not the end-zone
b) High-five with their substitute, announcing “Sub!”
c) The substitute does not enter the playing area until the exiting player has crossed the sideline and shared a high-five.
5. Obstacles: If a thrown disc touches any physical surface in the gym (floor, wall, basketball nets, etc.), it results in a turnover, even if the flight of the disc is not affected. The disc will be taken from the closest in-bounds position (excluding end zones) where the interference happened.
6. Pick Calls: A pick is when a player cuts off another player resulting in a completed pass that could have otherwise been blocked. An indoor court is much more crowded and compact so picks happen very frequently. Because of this, there are no picks in indoor Ultimate.