Programs & Services: Intramural Sports
Intramural Soccer
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Activities include: Soccer
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Outdoor 11v11 Soccer Rules
FIFA rules shall apply with the following changes and/or additions:
1. Maximum of 11 players are allowed on the field at one time, minimum of 7.
a) OPEN Outdoor Soccer: no gender ratio requirements. Maximum 11 players, minimum 7 players.
b) COREC Outdoor Soccer: 5 women, 5 men plus a goalie required.
i. Minimum 3 women - a team must play with one less man for every woman short (e.g., the minimum number of women allowed is 3; if a team only has three women, they may only field 4 men).
ii. Women may substitute for men in the lineup without penalty.
c) WOMEN'S Outdoor Soccer:
i. 11 women required. Minimum 7 players.
ii. 5 women required. Minumum 4 players.
d) MEN'S Outdoor Soccer: 11 men required. Minimum 7 players.
1. Game Duration: 2 x 25 minute halves, as timed by the official in charge.
a. Halftime will be 4 minutes.
b. Regular season games can end in a tie.
2. Playoff Tie-Breakers: Ties will be broken by, in this order:
a. 5 minute, golden-goal/sudden-death overtime;
b. Penalty shots (5 each team; alternating gender);
c. Sudden death penalty shots (new shooters).
1. Play the Whistle: In all cases of referee judgment, players must assume play is on until the sound of the whistle.
2. Substitutions: A substitute can enter the field of play only after gaining permission from the official. Substituions must be made at a stoppage in play (out of bounds, free kicks, etc.) - no on-the-fly subs.
3. Throw-Ins: A proper throw-in requires that:
a. The player is facing the field of play;
b. Part of each foot is on the ground outside of the boundary line;
c. Thrower uses both hands;
d. Ball is delivered from overhead.
e. The ball is thrown into play from the point at which it left.
4. Offsides: A player is in an offside position if, on their offensive side of half, they are further up-field than any defensive players, goalie excluded, at the moment when the ball is struck/passed forward.
a. There are no offsides on throw-ins.
5. Slide-Tackling: Slide-tackling is not permitted and will warrant an automatic yellow card. "Lunging" for the ball will be allowed at the referee's discretion, provided the player in question is deemed to be in vontrol of their body/momentum. Sliding is allowed when other players are not in the immediate vicinity (i.e. to keep the ball from going out of bounds). As always, play the whistle.
6. Fouls: Fouls/misconduct will be called in accordance to the FIFA Laws of the Game, with the following exceptions:
a) slide-tackling (noted above),
b) a yellow card will result in temporary removal from the game, with the offending player's team playing shorthanded for 2 minutes.
c) Any player that is given a Red Card in any of McMaster Intramurals league games will now be suspended for 1 game (regular season or playoffs), there are no exceptions or appeals to the Game Officials ruling.
7. Player Behaviour: As with all intramural sports, unsporting behaviour directed at any participant/staff member will not be tolerated.
Outdoor 7v7 Soccer Rules
Major Indoor Soccer league rules will apply with these amendments:
1. Teams will play with 6 outfield players and a goalie.
a) COREC Oudoor Soccer (7v7):
i. Maximum 7 players, minimum 5 players.
ii. COREC Outdoor Soccer: 3 women, 3 men plus a goalie required.
iii. Minimum 3 women - a team must play with one less man for every woman short (e.g., the minimum number of women required is 3 per game; if a team only has 2 women, they may only field 2 men for that duration of play).
iv. Women may substitute for men in the lineup without any infraction.
1. Game Duration: 2 x 25 minute halves, straight time.
a) Halftime will be 2 minutes.
b) Regular season games can end in a tie.
2. Playoff Tie-Breakers: Ties will be broken by 5 minute, golden-goal/sudden-death overtime.
a) At the end of every minute, one player from each team will come off to a minimum of 2-on-2 including a goalie.
1. Game Duration: 2 x 25 minute halves, as timed by the official in charge.
a) Halftime will be 4 minutes.
b) Regular season games can end in a tie.
2. Playoff Tie-Breakers: Ties will be broken by, in this order:
a) 5 minute, golden-goal/sudden-death overtime;
b) Penalty shots (5 each team; alternating gender);
c) Sudden death penalty shots (new shooters).
1. Play the Whistle: In all cases of referee judgment, players must assume play is on until the sound of the whistle.
2. Substitutions: A substitute can enter the field of play only after gaining permission from the official. Substitutions must be made at a stoppage in play (out of bounds, free kicks, etc.) - no on-the-fly subs.
3. Kick-Ins:
a) Kick-ins will function as indirect free kicks:
- the ball must be stationary as it is kicked (i.e. cannot be rollling);
- goals cannot be scored directly from a kick-in;
- the player taking the kick-in cannot have more than one consecutive touch of the ball;
- opposing players must allow sufficient space for taking of the kick-in
- The player is facing the field of play;
b) Part of each foot must be outside of the boundary line
c) The ball is kicked into play from the point at which it left
4. There are no offsides.
5. Slide-Tackling: Slide-tackling is not permitted and will warrant an automatic yellow card. "Lunging" for the ball will be allowed at the referee's discretion, provided the player in question is deemed to be in vontrol of their body/momentum. Sliding is allowed when other players are not in the immediate vicinity (i.e. to keep the ball from going out of bounds). As always, play the whistle.
6. Fouls: Fouls/misconduct will be called in accordance to the FIFA Laws of the Game, with the following exceptions:
a) slide-tackling (noted above),
b) a yellow card will result in temporary removal from the game, with the offending player's team playing shorthanded for 2 minutes.
c) Any player that is given a Red Card in any of McMaster Intramurals league games will now be suspended for 1 game (regular season or playoffs), there are no exceptions or appeals to the Game Officials ruling.
7. Player Behaviour: As with all intramural sports, unsporting behaviour directed at any participant/staff member will not be tolerated.
8. Goal keepers: Goalies can only use their hands when they are within the goalkeeper box; they cannot deliver the ball beyond the half-way line from their hands; a ball may be played over half from the ground.
Outdoor 5v5 Soccer Rules
Major Indoor Soccer league rules will apply with these amendments:
1. Teams will play with 4 outfield players and a goalie.
a) OPEN Oudoor Soccer: no gender ratio requirements. Maximum 5 players, minimum 3 players.
1. Game Duration: 2 x 20 minute halves, straight time.
a) Halftime will be 2 minutes.
b) Regular season games can end in a tie.
2. Playoff Tie-Breakers: Ties will be broken by 5 minute, golden-goal/sudden-death overtime.
a) At the end of every minute, one player from each team will come off to a minimum of 2-on-2 including a goalie.
1. Game Duration: 2 x 20 minute halves, as timed by the official in charge.
a) Halftime will be 4 minutes.
b) Regular season games can end in a tie.
2. Playoff Tie-Breakers: Ties will be broken by, in this order:
a) 5 minute, golden-goal/sudden-death overtime;
b) Penalty shots (5 each team; alternating gender);
c) Sudden death penalty shots (new shooters).
1. Play the Whistle: In all cases of referee judgment, players must assume play is on until the sound of the whistle.
2. Substitutions: A substitute can enter the field of play only after gaining permission from the official. Substitutions must be made at a stoppage in play (out of bounds, free kicks, etc.) - no on-the-fly subs.
3. Kick-Ins:
a) Kick-ins will function as indirect free kicks; the ball must be stationary as it is kicked (i.e. cannot be rollling); goals cannot be scored directly from a kick-in; the player taking the kick-in cannot have more than one consecutive touch of the ball; opposing players must allow sufficient space for taking of the kick-in
The player is facing the field of play;
b) Part of each foot must be outside of the boundary line
c) The ball is kicked into play from the point at which it left
4. There are no offsides.
5. Slide-Tackling: Slide-tackling is not permitted and will warrant an automatic yellow card. "Lunging" for the ball will be allowed at the referee's discretion, provided the player in question is deemed to be in vontrol of their body/momentum. Sliding is allowed when other players are not in the immediate vicinity (i.e. to keep the ball from going out of bounds). As always, play the whistle.
6. Fouls: Fouls/misconduct will be called in accordance to the FIFA Laws of the Game, with the following exceptions:
a) slide-tackling (noted above),
b) a yellow card will result in temporary removal from the game, with the offending player's team playing shorthanded for 2 minutes.
c) Any player that is given a Red Card in any of McMaster Intramurals league games will now be suspended for 1 game (regular season or playoffs), there are no exceptions or appeals to the Game Officials ruling.
7. Player Behaviour: As with all intramural sports, unsporting behaviour directed at any participant/staff member will not be tolerated.
8. Goal keepers: Goalies can only use their hands when they are within 2 yards of their goal-ine; they cannot deliver the ball beyond the half-way line from their hands; a ball may be played over half from the ground.
Indoor Soccer Rules
Major Indoor Soccer league rules will apply with these ammendments:
1. Teams will play with 4 outfield players and a goalie.
a) OPEN Indoor Soccer: no gender ratio requirements. Maximum 5 players, minimum 3 players.
b) COREC Indoor Soccer: 2 women, 2 men required.
i. Minimum 2 woman - a team must play with one less man for every woman short (e.g., the minimum number of women allowed is 2; if a team only has 1 woman, they may only field 2 men).
ii. Women may substitute for men in the lineup without penalty.
c) WOMEN'S Indoor Soccer: 5 women required. Minimum 3 players.
d) MEN'S Indoor Soccer: 5 men required. Minimum 3 players.
1. Game Duration: 2 x 20 minute halves, straight time.
a. Halftime will be 2 minutes.
b. Regular season games can end in a tie.
2. Playoff Tie-Breakers: Ties will be broken by 5 minute, golden-goal/sudden-death overtime.
a. At the end of every minute, one player from each team will come off to a minimum of 2-on-2 including a goalie.
1. Goal Crease: No players, offensive or defensive (except the goalie) are permitted inside the goal area; the result is an indirect free kick.
2. Goal keepers: Goalies cannot use their hands outside the goal area or deliver the ball beyond the half-way line from their hands; a ball may be played over half from the ground.
3. Out of Bounds: Balls played out of bounds will be whistled down and will result in an indirect free kick from the location the ball went out of bounds, at the referee's discretion.
a. High-ball: If the ball strikes any part of the wall or ceiling (including lights) above the painted stripe (or other defined limit), it will be whistled down.
4. Wall-Play: Player-to-player contact, pushing, aggressive ball tackling, etc. within 2 meters of the walls will be called very tightly.
a. Zero-Contact Zone: Any player-to-player contact will be whistled down, regardless of playing advantage (e.g., even if the victimized player/team maintains control of the ball/advantage). Indirect free kicks will be awarded to the opposition. If both players initiate contact, a drop-ball will be taken.
i. First Offence: Warning issued to player(s).
ii. Subsequent Offence: Yellow cards will be given. 2 yellow cards results in automatic removal from the game.
b. Dangerous Play: Any dangerous play - aggressive body contact, aggressive ball tackling, etc. - near the walls will be immediately carded. No warnings will be given on dangerous play. Play safely!
5. No Sliding: With the exception of the goalie in his/her crease, no player may slide in an attempt to stop an opposing player or the ball at any time . Play will be whistled dead immediately and the opposition will be awarded a free kick (regardless of whether a player-to-player foul was committed).
6. There are no offsides.
7. Substitutions: On-the-fly or at a stoppage of play; on-the-fly substitutions require the departing player to be fully on the bench before the new player enters play.
8. Penalties: Regular soccer rules apply with respect to carded violations in addition to the results outlined below.
a. Yellow Cards: Penalties for yellow card offenses last 3 minutes and the team is left shorthanded for the duration of the penalty (no coincidental penalties). Yellow-card infractions include:
i. dissent towards the referee
ii. intentional handball
iii. excessive rough play
iv. repetitive infractions
v. goal keeper intentionally using his hands outside the goal area to prevent a goal scoring opportunity; a player on the defensive team intentionally enters the goal area and prevents a goal.
vi. delay of game
b. Red Cards: Ejection from the game for red card offenses leave the offending team shorthanded for the remainder of the game; the carded player will also be suspended for the next game.
a. fighting results in ejection from the game and league
b. second yellow card offense
c. anything that, at the referee's discretion, warrants the ejection (vicious slide tackles, intent to injure)