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Intramural Flag Football
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Activities include: Flag Football, Football
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Corec (6v6) Flag Football Rules
Canadian Touch Football rules shall apply with the following changes and/or additions.
1. Maximum 3 women and 3 men on the field, minimum 2 women and 4 players.
a. Women may substitute for men in the lineup without penalty.
1. Game Duration: 2 x 25 minute halves; half time will be maximum 4 minutes.
2. Uniforms: All teams must wear identical uniforms or wear pinnies supplied.
a. Each player will be provided a flag belt. Clothing must not cover the belt. The flags shall be positioned on the participant's hips.
b. If a flag falls off without being pulled, then the play is still alive until the ball carrier is touched.
3. Play-off Tie Breakers: Ties will be broken by a 'convert shootout'.
a. Teams will line up on the 10 yard line making alternating, one-down convert attempts to score.
b. If after 5 convert attempts the teams remain tied, they will go into sudden-death convert attempts.
4. Defintion of Terms: See Section D below.
1. Coin Toss: The game is started with a coin toss (or rock-paper-scissors) to determine possession and side of the field. The choices are reversed at the beginning of the second half.
2. Kick-off (Throw-off): Teams will throw the ball from their own 20-yard line to start the game and after scoring.
a. Throw-off must travel minimum 10 yards or a 10-yard penalty will be assessed and the team must re-kick.
b. Throw-offs landing out of bounds will be automatically placed on the receiving team's 40-yard line.
c. No onside kicks (throws) allowed - note rules C8 and C9 below.
3. Scoring: A team will be awarded points in the following manner:
a. Touchdown = 6 points
b. Conversion from 10-yard line = 1 point
c. Conversion from 20-yard-line = 2 points
d. Safety touch = 2 points
e. Rouge = 1 point
4. Downs: Each team possession has 4 downs to travel the length of the field.
a. 4th and go! On 4th down the team with possession must declare if they are kicking (throwing, not punting) or not. If the offensive team is in their opponent's half on 4th down, they must 'go for it' (attempting to score or gain yards otherwise). If they are on their own side of half, they have the decision to throw (like a punt) or go for it.
5. Lateral Passes:
a. Teams may use an unlimited number of lateral passes.
b. Lateral Passes Behind the Line of Scrimmage: Any player that receives a lateral pass behind the line of scrimmage is considered to be a quaterback and can run or throw the ball.
6. Defensive Line: Defensive players NOT rushing the quarterback may line up one yard from the line of scrimmage. All rushers must line up five yards away from the ball. The rusher must declare 3 Steamboats before they can rush. However as soon as the quarterback crosses the line of scrimmage the rusher may go.
7. Starting play: The ball is only in play when there is an exchange between the centre and the quarterback. The ball must be placed on the ground for the snap, however, it does not need to travel through the centre's legs.
8. Fumbles: All fumbles result in a dead ball at the spot where it was dropped, except as noted when receiving kicks (see Rule C9-b below).
9. Declaring a kick (throw) of the ball on any down (regardless of the situation - i.e., punt, kickoff, quick kick, etc.) will result in an automatic change of possession (regardless of fumbles, or the outcome of the kick, etc.). This rule is in place to guard against players from injurying themselves or others by diving after balls on the ground after a kick.
a. The kicking team cannot recover the football and must give a five-yard restraining area on all kicks until the ball is caught.
b. In the event of a fumbled kick, the initial receiver alone is allowed to recover the fumble and advance. No other offensive or defensive player may attempt to recover the fumble. If, in the referees' judgment, the initial receiver is not in a position to safely recover the fumble, play will be called dead, and the receiving team will maintain possesion.
Example: A player back to field a punt attempts to catch the ball which slides through their hands, landing in front of them on the ground. If the ball remains in front of them and is quickly recovered before the kicking team is down field, the fumble recovery would be allowed, and play continues. In contrast, if the ball ended up behind them (forcing them to turn their back on a fast-approaching rush), or if a second receiving team member picked up the loose ball, play would be called dead.
10. Blocking, screening, and setting picks is prohibited.
a. Picks: A player is considered to have set a 'pick' when he/she intentionally impedes the progress of an opposing player towards the ball carrier (attempting to remove their flag and down the ball). Penalty: If a pick is set, the ball will be downed where the ball carrier stands (at the moment the pick is set). A five (5) yard penalty will be assessed to the offensive team.
b. Exception: A center maintaining his/her position following the snap is not considered to have set a pick; however, a center in motion post-snap assumes regular-player status and may be called for setting a pick.
11. The referee will call 5 plays left when there is three minutes left in the half.
12. Penalties:
a. Loss of 5 yards (no loss of down):
i. Offside: if it is the offence that is offside the play is immediately blown dead. If the defence is offside it is a free play. The offence can decide to take the penalty or the play. When punting, the kicking team must remain behind the line of scrimmage until the ball is physically kicked.
ii. Player out of bounds when the ball is snapped.
iii. Failure of the defensive rusher(s) to be at least five yards back from offence when ball is snapped.
b. Loss of 5 yards and loss of downs:
i. Illegal forward pass.
ii. Intentional grounding.
iii. Illegal forward lateral.
iv. Delay of game. A 15-second play clock from when the ball is set will be enforced. This is not a hard count, however, it is meant to keep the games moving quickly and helps to prevent the offense from killing' time. You will be warned when your offense has 5 seconds left.
v. If a pick is set, the ball will be downed where the ball carrier stands (at the moment the pick is set). A five (5) yard penalty will be assessed to the offensive team.
vi. Illegal use of hands. This includes protecting your flags.
c. Loss of 10 yards:
i. Blocking
ii. Too many players on the field.
iii. Holding
iv. Kickoff fails to travel 10-yards. Repeat kick.
d. Loss of 15 yards:
i. Rushing the kicker. There is absolutely no rushing of the kicker/punter.
ii. Offensive pass interference (and down). Defensive pass interference places the ball at the spot of the foul with a repeat of down for the offense.
iii. Unsporting Conduct (1st offense)
iv. Tackling
v. Tripping
vi. Roughing
Convert: A bonus situation allowed to the offensive team following their scoring of a touchdown. The ball is scrimmaged from the 10-yard line (for one point) or the 20-yard line (for two points) with the offence given one attempt to put a player with the ball into the end zone without being touched.
Safety Touch: Touching the ball carrier in the end zone when they are in possession of the ball. A safety touch is not given when the ball is intercepted. When intercepted, player has the option of running the ball out or placement of ball at the 20-yard line. Following a safety, the team that conceded the two points will have to kick the ball from their 40-yard line to the opposing team.
Rouge: On a punt or kick (throw), when the defending player is unable to move the ball from their end zone. This means that a ball kicked out of the back of the end zone does score a rouge. If the ball rolled out of bounds after hitting the ground a rouge is awarded. Touchbacks mean a rouge is awarded. After the score, the defensive team takes possession at the 20-yard line.
Blocking: As in basketball, arms must be held at the side (elbows in) with feet firmly planted and no movement through the shoulders.
Quick Kicks: A punt can be made prior to 6th down and is used to surprise your opposition. The kicking team cannot recover the football and must give a five-yard restraining area on all kicks until the ball is caught. Ball can be kicked on either side of the scrimmage line.
Women's (5v5) & Men's (7v7) Flag Football Rules
Canadian Touch Football rules shall apply with the following changes and/or additions.
1. Women: Maximum 5 players on the field, minimum 4
a. Teams short players may ask the opposition to allow the game to proceed.
2. Men: Maximum 7 players on the field, minimum 5.
a. Teams short players may ask the opposition to allow the game to proceed.
1. Game Duration: 2 x 25 minute halves; half time will be maximum 4 minutes.
2. Uniforms: All teams must wear identical uniforms or wear pinnies supplied.
a. Each player will be provided a flag belt. Clothing must not cover the belt. The flags shall be positioned on the participant's hips.
b. If a flag falls off without being pulled, then the play is still alive until the ball carrier is touched.
3. Play-off Tie Breakers: Ties will be broken by a 'convert shootout'.
a. Teams will line up on the 10 yard line making alternating, one-down convert attempts to score.
b. If after 5 convert attempts the teams remain tied, they will go into sudden-death convert attempts.
4. End-Zone Adjustment: The end zone on Alumni Field begins on the 5 yard line and extends to the back of the marked zone.
5. Defintion of Terms: See Section D below.
1. Coin Toss: The game is started with a coin toss (or rock-paper-scissors) to determine possession and side of the field. The choices are reversed at the beginning of the second half.
2. Kick-off: The kick to start each half takes place at the kicking team's 40-yard line.
a. Kick-off must travel minimum 10 yards or a 10-yard penalty will be assessed and the team must re-kick.
b. Kick-offs landing out of bounds will be automatically placed on the receiving team's 40-yard line.
c. Updated 2009 No onside kicks allowed - note rules C8 and C9 below.
3. Scoring: A team will be awarded points in the following manner:
a. Touchdown = 6 points
b. Conversion from 10-yard line = 1 point
c. Conversion from 20-yard-line = 2 points
d. Safety touch = 2 points
e. Rouge = 1 point
4. Downs: Each team possession has 6 downs to travel the length of the field. On 6th down the team with possession must declare if they are kicking or not.
5. Lateral Passes:
a. Teams may use an unlimited number of lateral passes.
b. Lateral Passes Behind the Line of Scrimmage: Any player that receives a lateral pass behind the line of scrimmage is considered to be a quaterback and can run or throw the ball.
6. Defensive Line: Defensive players NOT rushing the quarterback may line up one yard from the line of scrimmage. All rushers must line up five yards away from the ball. The rusher must declare 3 Steamboats before they can rush.The rusher must declare 3 Steamboats before they can rush. However as soon as the quarterback crosses the line of scrimmage the rusher may go.
7. Starting play: The ball is only in play when there is an exchange between the centre and the quarterback. The ball must be placed on the ground for the snap, however, it does not need to travel through the centre's legs.
8. Fumbles: All fumbles result in a dead ball at the spot where it was dropped, except as noted when receiving kicks (see Rule C9-b below).
9. Kicking the ball on any down (regardless of the situation - i.e., punt, kickoff, quick kick, etc.) will result in an automatic change of possession (regardless of fumbles, or the outcome of the kick, etc.). This rule is in place to guard against players from injurying themselves or others by diving after balls on the ground after a kick.
a. The kicking team cannot recover the football and must give a five-yard restraining area on all kicks until the ball is caught.
b. In the event of a fumbled kick, the initial receiver alone is allowed to recover the fumble and advance. No other offensive or defensive player may attempt to recover the fumble. If, in the referees' judgment, the initial receiver is not in a position to safely recover the fumble, play will be called dead, and the receiving team will maintain possesion.
Example: A player back to field a punt attempts to catch the ball which slides through their hands, landing in front of them on the ground. If the ball remains in front of them and is quickly recovered before the kicking team is down field, the fumble recovery would be allowed, and play continues. In contrast, if the ball ended up behind them (forcing them to turn their back on a fast-approaching rush), or if a second receiving team member picked up the loose ball, play would be called dead.
10. Blocking, screening, and setting picks is prohibited.
a. Picks: A player is considered to have set a 'pick' when he/she intentionally impedes the progress of an opposing player towards the ball carrier (attempting to remove their flag and down the ball). Penalty: If a pick is set, the ball will be downed where the ball carrier stands (at the moment the pick is set). A five (5) yard penalty will be assessed to the offensive team.
b. Exception: A center maintaining his/her position following the snap is not considered to have set a pick; however, a center in motion post-snap assumes regular-player status and may be called for setting a pick.
11. The referee will call 5 plays left when there is three minutes left in the half.
12. Penalties:
a. Loss of 5 yards (no loss of down):
i. Offside: if it is the offence that is offside the play is immediately blown dead. If the defence is offside it is a free play. The offence can decide to take the penalty or the play. When punting, the kicking team must remain behind the line of scrimmage until the ball is physically kicked.
ii. Player out of bounds when the ball is snapped.
iii. Failure of the defensive rusher(s) to be at least five yards back from offence when ball is snapped.
b. Loss of 5 yards and loss of downs:
i. Illegal forward pass.
ii. Intentional grounding.
iii. Illegal forward lateral.
iv. Delay of game. A 15-second play clock from when the ball is set will be enforced. This is not a hard count, however, it is meant to keep the games moving quickly and helps to prevent the offense from killing' time. You will be warned when your offense has 5 seconds left.
v. If a pick is set, the ball will be downed where the ball carrier stands (at the moment the pick is set). A five (5) yard penalty will be assessed to the offensive team.
vi. Illegal use of hands. This includes protecting your flags.
c. Loss of 10 yards:
i. Blocking
ii. Too many players on the field.
iii. Holding
iv. Kickoff fails to travel 10-yards. Repeat kick.
d. Loss of 15 yards:
i. Rushing the kicker. There is absolutely no rushing of the kicker/punter.
ii. Offensive pass interference (and down). Defensive pass interference places the ball at the spot of the foul with a repeat of down for the offense.
iii. Unsporting Conduct (1st offense)
iv. Tackling
v. Tripping
vi. Roughing
Convert: A bonus situation allowed to the offensive team following their scoring of a touchdown. The ball is scrimmaged from the 10-yard line (for one point) or the 20-yard line (for two points) with the offence given one attempt to put a player with the ball into the end zone without being touched.
Safety Touch: Touching the ball carrier in the end zone when they are in possession of the ball. A safety touch is not given when the ball is intercepted. When intercepted, player has the option of running the ball out or placement of ball at the 20-yard line. Following a safety, the team that conceded the two points will have to kick the ball from their 40-yard line to the opposing team.
Rouge: On a punt or kick, when the defending player is unable to move the ball from their end zone. This means that a ball kicked out of the back of the end zone does score a rouge. If the ball rolled out of bounds after hitting the ground a rouge is awarded. Touchbacks mean a rouge is awarded. After the score, the defensive team takes possession at the 20-yard line.
Blocking: As in basketball, arms must be held at the side (elbows in) with feet firmly planted and no movement through the shoulders.
Quick Kicks: A punt can be made prior to 6th down and is used to surprise your opposition. The kicking team cannot recover the football and must give a five-yard restraining area on all kicks until the ball is caught. Ball can be kicked on either side of the scrimmage line.
Open (6v6) Flag Football Rules
Canadian Touch Football rules shall apply with the following changes and/or additions.
1. 6 Players aside (includes quarterback), Minimum of 5 players to start the game.
1. Game Duration: 2 x 25 minute halves; half time will be maximum 4 minutes.
2. Uniforms: All teams must wear identical uniforms or wear pinnies supplied.
a. Each player will be provided a flag belt. Clothing must not cover the belt. The flags shall be positioned on the participant's hips.
b. If a flag falls off without being pulled, then the play is still alive until the ball carrier is touched.
3. Play-off Tie Breakers: Ties will be broken by a 'convert shootout'.
a. Teams will line up on the 10 yard line making alternating, one-down convert attempts to score.
b. If after 5 convert attempts the teams remain tied, they will go into sudden-death convert attempts.
4. Definition of Terms: See Section D below.
1. Coin Toss: The game is started with a coin toss (or rock-paper-scissors) to determine possession and side of the field. The choices are reversed at the beginning of the second half.
2. Kick-off (Throw-off): Teams will throw the ball from their own 20-yard line to start the game and after scoring.
a. Throw-off must travel minimum 10 yards or a 10-yard penalty will be assessed and the team must re-kick.
b. Throw-offs landing out of bounds will be automatically placed on the receiving team's 40-yard line.
c. No onside kicks (throws) allowed - note rules C8 and C9 below.
3. Scoring: A team will be awarded points in the following manner:
a. Touchdown = 6 points
b. Conversion from 10-yard line = 1 point
c. Conversion from 20-yard-line = 2 points
d. Safety touch = 2 points
e. Rouge = 1 point
4. Downs: Each team possession has 4 downs to travel the length of the field.
a. 4th and go! On 4th down the team with possession must declare if they are kicking (throwing, not punting) or not. If the offensive team is in their opponent's half on 4th down, they must 'go for it' (attempting to score or gain yards otherwise). If they are on their own side of half, they have the decision to throw (like a punt) or go for it.
5. Lateral Passes:
a. Teams may use an unlimited number of lateral passes.
b. Lateral Passes Behind the Line of Scrimmage: Any player that receives a lateral pass behind the line of scrimmage is considered to be a quaterback and can run or throw the ball.
6. Defensive Line: Defensive players NOT rushing the quarterback may line up one yard from the line of scrimmage. All rushers must line up five yards away from the ball. The rusher must declare 3 Steamboats before they can rush. However as soon as the quarterback crosses the line of scrimmage the rusher may go.
7. Starting play: The ball is only in play when there is an exchange between the centre and the quarterback. The ball must be placed on the ground for the snap; however, it does not need to travel through the centre's legs.
8. Fumbles: All fumbles result in a dead ball at the spot where it was dropped, except as noted when receiving kicks (see Rule C9-b below).
9. Declaring a kick (throw) of the ball on any down (regardless of the situation - i.e., punt, kickoff, quick kick, etc.) will result in an automatic change of possession (regardless of fumbles, or the outcome of the kick, etc.). This rule is in place to guard against players from injuring themselves or others by diving after balls on the ground after a kick.
a. The kicking team cannot recover the football and must give a five-yard restraining area on all kicks until the ball is caught.
b. In the event of a fumbled kick, the initial receiver alone is allowed to recover the fumble and advance. No other offensive or defensive player may attempt to recover the fumble. If, in the referees' judgment, the initial receiver is not in a position to safely recover the fumble, play will be called dead, and the receiving team will maintain possession.
Example: A player back to field a punt attempts to catch the ball which slides through their hands, landing in front of them on the ground. If the ball remains in front of them and is quickly recovered before the kicking team is down field, the fumble recovery would be allowed, and play continues. In contrast, if the ball ended up behind them (forcing them to turn their back on a fast-approaching rush), or if a second receiving team member picked up the loose ball, play would be called dead.
10. Blocking, screening, and setting picks is prohibited.
a. Picks: A player is considered to have set a 'pick' when he/she intentionally impedes the progress of an opposing player towards the ball carrier (attempting to remove their flag and down the ball). Penalty: If a pick is set, the ball will be downed where the ball carrier stands (at the moment the pick is set). A five (5) yard penalty will be assessed to the offensive team.
b. Exception: A center maintaining his/her position following the snap is not considered to have set a pick; however, a center in motion post-snap assumes regular-player status and may be called for setting a pick.
11. The referee will call 5 plays left when there is three minutes left in the half.
12. Penalties:
a. Loss of 5 yards (no loss of down):
i. Offside: if it is the offence that is offside the play is immediately blown dead. If the defence is offside it is a free play. The offence can decide to take the penalty or the play. When punting, the kicking team must remain behind the line of scrimmage until the ball is physically kicked.
ii. Player out of bounds when the ball is snapped.
iii. Failure of the defensive rusher(s) to be at least five yards back from offence when ball is snapped.
b. Loss of 5 yards and loss of downs:
i. Illegal forward pass.
ii. Intentional grounding.
iii. Illegal forward lateral.
iv. Delay of game. A 15-second play clock from when the ball is set will be enforced. This is not a hard count, however, it is meant to keep the games moving quickly and helps to prevent the offense from killing' time. You will be warned when your offense has 5 seconds left.
v. If a pick is set, the ball will be downed where the ball carrier stands (at the moment the pick is set). A five (5) yard penalty will be assessed to the offensive team.
vi. Illegal use of hands. This includes protecting your flags.
c. Loss of 10 yards:
i. Blocking
ii. Too many players on the field.
iii. Holding
iv. Kickoff fails to travel 10-yards. Repeat kick.
d. Loss of 15 yards:
i. Rushing the kicker (thrower). There is absolutely no rushing of the kicker/punter (thrower).
ii. Offensive pass interference (and down). Defensive pass interference places the ball at the spot of the foul with a repeat of down for the offense.
iii. Unsporting Conduct (1st offense)
iv. Tackling
v. Tripping
vi. Roughing
Convert: A bonus situation allowed to the offensive team following their scoring of a touchdown. The ball is scrimmaged from the 10-yard line (for one point) or the 20-yard line (for two points) with the offence given one attempt to put a player with the ball into the end zone without being touched.
Safety Touch: Touching the ball carrier in the end zone when they are in possession of the ball. A safety touch is not given when the ball is intercepted. When intercepted, player has the option of running the ball out or placement of ball at the 20-yard line. Following a safety, the team that conceded the two points will have to kick the ball from their 40-yard line to the opposing team.
Rouge: On a punt or kick (throw), when the defending player is unable to move the ball from their end zone. This means that a ball kicked (thrown) out of the back of the end zone does score a rouge. If the ball rolled out of bounds after hitting the ground a rouge is awarded. Touchbacks mean a rouge is awarded. After the score, the defensive team takes possession at the 20-yard line.
Blocking: As in basketball, arms must be held at the side (elbows in) with feet firmly planted and no movement through the shoulders.