Programs & Services: #MacMoves
Stress-Less Cycle Day
Open to all McMaster students & faculty! No registration or Pulse membership required.
Ace this Exam Season by Getting Active!
In collaboration with the Pulse, #MacMoves is proud to present Stress-Less Cycle Day.
April 2020 date TBA
Event Information: Drop by the Pulse for FREE 30-minute Cycling Classes. From 9:30 AM-9:15 PM, the Pulse will be starting a new cycling class at the 30-minute mark of every hour (9:30, 10:30, etc.) outside of our regular cycling classes (which you are welcome to try out as well!).
We're handing out FREE recovery snacks to every participant and #MacMoves swag to one lucky participant each class (through a random draw -- find your lucky bike!).
Each class will have a different theme so stay for as many classes as you would like.
For more information contact The Pulse: 905-525-9140 x27644