Registered Dietician Services
Initial Assessment (60 minutes)
- Your Dietitian will conduct a detailed assessment that reviews your medical and physical activity history, as well as your current food habits
- Initial goal setting and nutrition education
- Planning for subsequent session(s)
- Supporting nutrition resources
Follow-Up Appointment (45 minutes)
- Collection and review of food records
- Review progress with goals set at initial appointment
- Re-evaluating goals to match identified needs
- Further nutrition education on identified needs/priorities
- Supporting nutrition resources
Check-In Appointment (15-20 minutes)
- For those who have had an initial assessment and follow-up appointment but would like the accountability to check-in every so often
- Continue to monitor progress towards goals
- Examine barriers you may be facing that are interfering with goals
- Further nutrition education on identified needs/priorities
- Supporting nutrition resources
- Initial Dietitian Assessment: $150
- 1st Dietitian Follow-Up: $100
- Additional Follow-Ups/Check-Ins: $80
* $12 parking rebate provided for paid services