Programs & Services: #MacMoves
Brain Breaks - Quick Stress Relief Activities
Schoolwork making your brain tired? Refresh your focus with Brain Breaks!
#MacMoves is partnering with the Student Wellness Centre to present Brain Breaks in MUSC Marketplace! Details TBA.
Take a 10-minute break from your studying and participate in games and daily challenges. Win #MacMoves swag and pick up FREE healthy snacks. Compete in our daily challenges to win 1 of 2 grand prizes each day!
Previous activity below, stay tuned for future brain breaks.
Rrring Rrrring! It's Recess Time! FREE! The Student Wellness Centre is bringing back recess on BSB field. Come out on Wednesday Oct 23rd and Friday Oct 25th from 1:30-2:30pm to play retro games, bop to old 2000s throwbacks, or grab a snack. While you are there, don’t forget to enter your name to win a prize package!
For more information contact #MacMoves: