Programs & Services: Intramural Sports
Residence Cup
The Residence Cup tournament is a competition between residence buildings. Show your spirit, be active, have fun, and engage with peers from other residence buildings. Are you ready to compete to be crowned this year's Residence Cup champion?
For more information contact Lauren Crawford, Sport Leagues & Camps Coordinator: 905-525-9140 x26639

Tournament Schedule
10:00am Tournament Kick-Off
10:20am-11:20am Wheelchair European Handball & Table Tennis
11:20am-11:40am Snack Provided
11:40am-12:40pm Sitting Volleyball & Spikeball
12:40pm-1:00pm Lunch Provided
1:00pm-2:00pm Soccer & Floorball
2:00pm Closing Ceremonies - Trophy & T-Shirt Presentations
*Times subject to change based on registration numbers
Sport Rules
- Wheelchair European Handball Rules
- Table Tennis Rules
- Sitting Volleyball Rules
- Spikeball Rules
- Indoor Soccer Rules
- Floorball Rules
Wheelchair European Handball Rules
An overview of basic game play is outlined below. Roster requirements, including variations on goalie rules, game length, etc. will be set on a per event basis.
1. Object of Game: Wheelchair Handball is played by two teams of players, with some variations including goalies, and others not. The aim of each team is to score in the opponent's goal and to prevent the other team from scoring on their own goal.
2. Playing the ball
On offense, players may:
- Throw, catch, stop, push or hit the ball by using hands, arms, head and torso
- Hold the ball for a maximum of 3 seconds
- Push the wheelchair and dribble the ball
- Place the ball on the lap (not between the knees) while pushing the wheelchair one or two times (not longer)
On defense, players may:
- Guard the opponent (with or without ball) by using arms and hands as long as the opponent has enough time and distance to react and no danger is present
- Pull or hit the ball out of the hands of an opponent
Players are NOT allowed to:
- Restrain or hold (uniform, wheelchair) an opponent
- Ram or push into an opponent
3. Goaltending
- Goalies must remain seated, only upper-body saves allowed
- After each goal YOUR team scores, YOUR goalie must be substituted
4. Substitutions
- Substitutions can be made on the fly or at any stop in play: Exiting player must wheel to side court, bring chair to a full stop, and transfer chair to teammate.
- Goalie substitutions: Only at a stoppage of play, and at referee’s discretion. Goalies may not directly substitute for the player they subbed out.
Table Tennis Rules
All International Table Tennis Federation Rules apply, with the following amendments and/or additions:
- All McMaster Intramural Table Tennis Leagues are OPEN format (no gender requirements to play)
- Singles will have one player per team.
- Doubles will have two players per team.
- Team Format will require a maximum number of 3 players per team.
- There are no minimum requirements to play, if a team does not meet the roster requirements they cannot play their scheduled game.
- Each match will consist of a best of 3 games, with a 27 minute time limit for each match.
- Each game will be up to 11 points, with a “win by 2” rule.
- On most regular season game days, immediately following their first match players will rotate during a 3-minute rest period to their next court for their next match
- Order of Play:
- In doubles, the server shall first make a good service, the receiver shall then make a good return, the partner of the server shall then make a good return, the partner of the receiver shall then make a good return and thereafter each player in turn in that sequence shall make a good return.
- Order of Service, receiving and ends:
- The winner of the coin toss will either decide the service order or start at a particular end. The loser shall have the other choice.
- After 2 points have been scored, the receiving side shall become the serving side and so on until the end of the game, unless both sides score 10 points - the sequences of serving and receiving shall be the same but each side shall serve for only 1 point in turn.
- In doubles, at each change of service the previous receiver shall become the server and the partner of the previous server shall become the receiver.
- The side starting at one end in a game shall start at the other end in the next game of the match and in the last possible game of a match the sides shall change ends when one side scores 5 points.
Sitting 5's Volleyball Rules
An overview of basic game play is outlined below. Rules are adapted from World Organization Volleyball for Disabled (WOVD) and all WOVD rules apply.
1. Maximum 5 players, minimum 4 players
a. Teams short players may ask opposition to allow the game to proceed
1. Matches will be 45 minutes in length, consisting of two games to 21 points, followed by a third capped at 15 or by time-limit.
a. Teams do not have to win by a margin of 2 points
b. Games will be played with RALLY SCORING ONLY
2. The size of the playing court is 10m x 6m, the attack lines are drawn 2 metres from the axis of the center line.
1. Players:
- Players must have contact with the court with the part of the body from the shoulders to the buttocks at all times when playing the ball
- To stand up, raise or take steps is forbidden. A short loss of contact with the court is permitted when playing the ball, excluding the service, the block and attack hit when the ball is completely higher than the top of the net.
- Player position is determined by the position of their buttocks.
- Touching the opponent's court with foot/leg is permitted, provided the player does not interfere with an opposing player and the foot/leg is returned directly to his/her court.
- Touching the opponent's court with hand is permitted, provided that part of the penetrating hand remains in contact or directly above the center line.
- When 5 players are on the court, 3 are considered frontcourt players
2. Blocking the serve is permitted
3. Substitution/Rotation: The method used must be consistent throughout the game.
4. No timeouts are permitted.
Spikeball Rules
Indoor Soccer Rules
Major Indoor Soccer league rules will apply with these ammendments:
1. Teams will play with 4 outfield players and a goalie.
a) OPEN Indoor Soccer: no gender ratio requirements. Maximum 5 players, minimum 3 players.
b) COREC Indoor Soccer: 2 women, 3 men required.
i. Minimum 1 woman - a team must play with one less man for every woman short (e.g., the minimum number of women allowed is 2; if a team only has one woman, they may only field 2 men).
ii. Women may substitute for men in the lineup without penalty.
c) WOMEN'S Indoor Soccer: 5 women required. Minimum 3 players.
d) MEN'S Indoor Soccer: 5 men required. Minimum 3 players.
1. Game Duration: 2 x 20 minute halves, straight time.
a. Halftime will be 2 minutes.
b. Regular season games can end in a tie.
2. Playoff Tie-Breakers: Ties will be broken by 5 minute, golden-goal/sudden-death overtime.
a. At the end of every minute, one player from each team will come off to a minimum of 2-on-2 including a goalie.
1. Goal Crease: No players, offensive or defensive (except the goalie) are permitted inside the goal area; the result is an indirect free kick.
2. Goal keepers: Goalies cannot use their hands outside the goal area or deliver the ball beyond the half-way line from their hands; a ball may be played over half from the ground.
3. Out of Bounds: Balls played out of bounds will be whistled down and will result in an indirect free kick from the location the ball went out of bounds, at the referee's discretion.
a. High-ball: If the ball strikes any part of the wall or ceiling (including lights) above the painted stripe (or other defined limit), it will be whistled down.
4. Wall-Play: Player-to-player contact, pushing, aggressive ball tackling, etc. within 2 meters of the walls will be called very tightly.
a. Zero-Contact Zone: Any player-to-player contact will be whistled down, regardless of playing advantage (e.g., even if the victimized player/team maintains control of the ball/advantage). Indirect free kicks will be awarded to the opposition. If both players initiate contact, a drop-ball will be taken.
i. First Offence: Warning issued to player(s).
ii. Subsequent Offence: Yellow cards will be given. 2 yellow cards results in automatic removal from the game.
b. Dangerous Play: Any dangerous play - aggressive body contact, aggressive ball tackling, etc. - near the walls will be immediately carded. No warnings will be given on dangerous play. Play safely!
5. No Sliding: With the exception of the goalie in his/her crease, no player may slide in an attempt to stop an opposing player or the ball at any time . Play will be whistled dead immediately and the opposition will be awarded a free kick (regardless of whether a player-to-player foul was committed).
6. There are no offsides.
7. Substitutions: On-the-fly or at a stoppage of play; on-the-fly substitutions require the departing player to be fully on the bench before the new player enters play.
8. Penalties: Regular soccer rules apply with respect to carded violations in addition to the results outlined below.
a. Yellow Cards: Penalties for yellow card offenses last 3 minutes and the team is left shorthanded for the duration of the penalty (no coincidental penalties). Yellow-card infractions include:
i. dissent towards the referee
ii. intentional handball
iii. excessive rough play
iv. repetitive infractions
v. goal keeper intentionally using his hands outside the goal area to prevent a goal scoring opportunity; a player on the defensive team intentionally enters the goal area and prevents a goal.
vi. delay of game
b. Red Cards: Ejection from the game for red card offenses leave the offending team shorthanded for the remainder of the game; the carded player will also be suspended for the next game.
a. fighting results in ejection from the game and league
b. second yellow card offense
c. anything that, at the referee's discretion, warrants the ejection (vicious slide tackles, intent to injure)
Floorball Rules
All International Floorball Federation rules apply.
Floorball is meant to be a truly offensive game, enjoyable and affordable for everyone. To create enough space for creativity many defensive actions are not allowed - please review notes on Game Play below.
1. Maximum of 5 players and 1 goalie allowed on the court at one time, minimum of 4 and goalie.
a) 3-on-3/4-on-4 with no goalies: Maximum 3 or 4 as indicated, minimum 2 or 3.
i. In "No Goalie" Floorball, nets will be setup face-down and a standard barrier will be placed in each net's opening, blocking the lower portion of the net except for the corners.
ii. Players are not allowed to 'camp' in net (effectively acting as a goalie) and must remain active on the playing court.
iii. Intentionally moving the goalie/barrier or 'camping' in net may result in a goal being awarded to your opponent, at the discretion of the official.
2) Goalies must wear a helmet with full-face protection. No other pads (that serve to make the goalie bigger than your basic sweatpants and sweatshirt) are allowed. No helmets required for regular players.
1. Game Duration: 2 x 18 minute halves, as timed by the official in charge. Halftime will be 4 minutes. Regular season games can end in a tie.
a. 3-on-3 and 4-on-4 No Goalie Floorball will play 2 x 12 minute halves. Halftime will be 2 minutes.
2. Playoff Tie-Breakers: Ties will be broken by, in this order:
a. 5 minute, golden-goal/sudden-death overtime;
b. Penalty shots (3 each team);
c. Sudden death penalty shots (new shooters).
Notable differences between Floor Hockey and Floorball can be found in Floorball Canada's basic rule handout, also available in PDF, and highlighted below:
- No Face-off: Instead you have a Free-hit or a Hit-in. The game starts with a Start-off.
- Throw-out: The goalie has no stick, and starts the play with a throw-out. The ball must bounce before the centre line.
- No Pass to Goalie: When you're fore checking it's not fair if the defenseman can give the ball to the goalie
- No Field player in Goalkeeper Area: This area belongs to the goalie alone. Players on both teams, stay out!
- No Stick-Check: The stick can only be used to play the ball. Hacking and whacking on the opponents stick might only break it and cause injuries
- No Contact with Stick: You wear no padding, so even an accidental hit might hurt. So control your stick at all times.
- No Stick-lift: Since you is not aloud to wear gloves, you don't want anyone to lift your stick and by mistake break your finger.
- No High Stick: Regardless if you're using your stick, knee or foot, the ball can only be played under knee level.
- No Pushing: Do you want to push and shove? Join WWF!
- No Hands: You can't use your hands to play the ball. If it's lower than your knee, use your stick. Otherwise, let it go.
- Only Feet May Touch the Floor: This makes the game faster and more open. No jumping!
- No Stick between Feet: This gives you offensive freedom to roll off the checker at all times.
- No Slap Shot: Work on your wrist shot, and you'll be able to shoot the ball quicker and almost as hard. Slap shots might only damage your stick.
- No Kick-pass: You can only kick the ball one time and only to your own stick.