Ultimate Frisbee Club
McMaster Ultimate is a competitive extramural ultimate frisbee club that represents McMaster in the Ultimate Canada university series in the fall. Our club consists of a competitive women’s team, a competitive men’s team, and a developmental men’s team. The teams in our club practice three times a week and compete against other universities in numerous tournaments throughout the fall season, as well as optional additional tournaments during the rest of the school year. Our try-outs are held at the beginning of September.
For more information contact Club President Priscilla Ma: ultimate@mcmaster.ca

Activities include: Ultimate Frisbee
McMaster Steeltown Tournament
September 23rd-24th
Sherwood Forest Park, Burlington
Easterns Tournament (CEUUC)
September 30th-October 1st
Nationals Tournament (CUUC)
October 13-15th
Dates: Wednesday, September 6th
Thursday, September 7th
Saturday, September 10th (Saturday try-out is by invite-only)
Time - 6pm-8pm
Location - 10 Acre Field
Special Instructions: Please fill out the google form for registration! The form can be found on all of our social media accounts.