Programs & Services: Clubs

Lifeguard Competitive Lifesaving Team - Club

We compete against other universities and lifesaving clubs in southern Ontario in events including water rescue, first aid, priority assessment, line throw, mannequin carry, medley relay and obstacle relay. Practices are held twice a week and competitions are held against other Ontario universities and clubs throughout the academic year. It's a great way to strengthen your first-aid skills and meet new people!

Instagram: @macguardteam

For more information contact Club President Olivia Viool:

Lifeguard Competitive Lifesaving Team - Club

Activities include: Aquatics, Lifesaving Leadership



Location - Ivor Wynne Centre & McMaster Pool

Practice Times - Thursdays 8:00pm-10:30pm

                              Sundays 2:00pm-4:30pm


Instagram - @macguardteam

Facebook - McMaster Lifeguard Club


Location - Ivor Wynne Centre 

Note: We will meet at the IWC lobby and then travel to the pool. Please bring your goggles, swimsuit and signed participation waiver! 


  • Thursday, September 12, 2024 from 8:00pm-10:30pm 
  • Sunday, September 15, 2024 from 2:00pm-4:30pm

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