Kung Fu Club
The McMaster Shaolin Kung Fu Association provides an active forum in which members develop an individual expression in the martial arts through the extensive study of the ageless forms of Shaolin. Training sessions will generally consist of an intensive guided instructional period during which the students are exposed to the traditional Shaolin combative methods.
Our club teaches different fighting skills and focuses on drilling how to use them in practical scenarios. For two days a week, two hours each, we meet to learn these techniques and we spar. During the first hour, our instructor will lead you through stretches and forms, and teach you ways to kick, punch, and block. The second hour is dedicated to sparring where you will get to apply what you learned and develop the reflexes and practical skills you might need if you ever find yourself in a difficult situation.
For more information contact Club President Edwin Li: kungfu@mcmaster.ca

Activities include: Martial Arts, Kung Fu
Times - Wednesdays 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Sundays 3pm - 5pm
Location - Rose Hill Studio
Email: kungfu@mcmaster.ca
Instagram: mcmaster_shaolin_kungfu
Facebook: McMaster Shaolin Kung-Fu Association
Discord: https://discord.gg/rXCf5ke3