Self-Defense for Everyone
Come learn self defence with us! (Pre-registration is required)
This 4 week class is a practical, simple self defence class that splits its focus between discussions on personal boundaries and comfort zones, to physical attacks and how to deal with them.
The class will begin with a focus on self defence theory; how crimes happen, and what we can do to lessen the chances that we will be impacted by one. We will then move on to physical techniques to defend ourselves against a variety of physical attacks, beginning with responses that are easy to remember, and gradually ramping up to more advanced attacks and how to deal with them.
Throughout, your instructor will guide you through the practical aspects of self defence, what options you have for getting out of a bad situation and how to use your awareness, arms, legs, and even your voice, as weapons.
Shireen Nadir is a 3rd Degree black belt and assistant instructor at the McMaster Karate Dojo with over 25 years training experience. She has taught at women’s shelters, LGBTQ clubs, U of T and corporate lunch n learns. Empowering people is her passion.
Course Information and Registration
For more information contact Heidi O'Brien:

Activities include: Self Defense, Martial Arts